History of Macedonia

A blog dedicated to referenced information on the history of Macedonia. Featuring articles, researches, photos and maps about Macedonian history from prehistory until modern times and links to other Hellenic Macedonian sites.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

History-of-macedonia.com Articles

Alexander the Great:
Origins of Alexander
Is Alexander the Great Greek?
The Destruction of Thebes
Plutarch on Alexander's bringing Greek civilisation to Asia
Ancient Sources about Alexander's Panhellenic Campaign
Bible about Alexander the Great
Alexander King of Yavans
Exchange of letters between Alexander the Great and Porus
Mural of 1568 calls Alexander king of Hellenes
Alexander and the Greeks - case of Agonipos

Ancient Macedonian Ethnicity :
Modern Historians about ancient Macedonia
Ancient Sources about ancient Macedonia
Ancient Macedonian Testimonies about their own Ethnicity
Ancient sources about Alexanders army Greek character
Ancient sources about Macedonia as a Greek Land
Ancient Greek references to Macedonians as Greeks
Modern Historians about Macedonian Royal House
Bolsaya Sovetskaya Encyclopaedia about ancient Macedonian ethnicity
Roman testimonies about ancient Macedonian ethnicity
Persian Testimonies about ancient Macedonian Ethnicity
Indian Testimonies about ancient Macedonians
Jewish testimonies about ancient Macedonian ethnicity
Babylonian testimonies about ancient Macedonian ethnicity
Carthagenian testimonies about ancient Macedonian ethnicity
Hellenism of ancient Macedonia from FYROM sources
Macedonia in Antiquity - the Greek ethnicity of ancient Macedonians
Evidence on the Greek ethnicity of Ancient Macedonians
Ptolemaios Glaukiou Macedon
Plutarch and Greekness of Macedonians NEW
Ancient non-Macedonian Greek cities/tribes enslaving Hellenes NEW
Macedonian Panhellenism in the Asian expedition NEW

List of Ancient Macedonian kings
Nicholas Hammonds Interview about Macedonia
Etymology of 100 most famous ancient Macedonian Names
Was Greek the Linqua franca of ancient times prior to Alexander
Falsified versions and mistranslations of ancient sources about Macedonia
King Archelaos and his portrayal as 'Barbarian'
Eminent Macedonians among Greek mercenaries of Darius
Greek Navy in Alexander's campaign
Sibylline Prophesies
Olympia in Dion
Ancient Macedonians in Olympic games
Persian Story of Zulqarneen
The Hellenization's argument contradiction
Prof. Badian's views about the incident of Eumenes - Xennias
List of known non-Macedonian Greeks in Alexander's army
Ancient Macedon and Thessalia - Case of Jason of Pherai
Philip fulfiled his mentors Epaminondas dream to unite Greece
Cults in Ancient Macedonia
Eurypides and Macedonians
The Heracleid origin of ancient Macedonians
Hadrian, Thessalonica and Panhellenion League
Justin sources - Marsyas of Macedon
Relations between Upper and Lower Macedonia
Earliest Argaeadae women names
Ancient Sources about ancient Macedonians and their religion
Stratonicus verifies greekness of ancient Macedonians
The Rise of Macedon NEW
Did Macedonians confront in Chaeronea a “United greek army??? NEW

Ancient literary sources about ancient Macedonian language being a Greek dialect NEW
Modern linguists about Ancient Macedonian language
The Language of ancient Macedonians
Ancient Macedonian language - Hoffman
Ancient Macedonian Language Part II
Ancient Macedonian Language Part III
Ancient Macedonian Language Part IV
Ancient Macedonian Language Part V
Ancient Macedonian Language by Marcus Templar
Ancient Macedonian language recognized as Greek dialect
The misuse of the term Philhellene during Antiquity
Isocrates phrase OYX OMOFYLOY GENOYS
Greek tribes being labeled Barbarians POPULAR
The meaning of Arrian Anabasis 7.9.5
Etymology of Florina NEW

Medieval History of Macedonia
Byzantine Sources about greekness of Medieval Macedonia
List of famous Medieval Macedonians
Sources on St' Cyril and Methodius Greek Ethnicity
Sources on St' Cyril and Methodius Greek Ethnicity PART II
14th Century Names of Lay Proprietors in the Themes of Thessaloniki and Strymon
Macedonia in the 16th and 17th Centuries
Macedonia preceeding Turkish Occupation
The final capture of Thessalonica by Turks (1430)
Ancient/Modern Sources about Thessalonica
A 17th Century Catholic Text about Macedonia
Eustathios - The capture of Thessaloniki
14th century account about the greekness of Thessalonica
Macedonian Intellectuals of late Byzantine Thessalonike

Modern History of Macedonia
Greek schools of Pelagonia during 19th cent.
Greek Macedonian newspapers of late 19th cent.- early 20th cent
Four of the best Historians, describe Balkans in 1915
Books in Greek education prior to 1936 about Macedonia
Paidomazoma - Communist children abductions in the Greek civil war
Letter from the Greek embassy in Thessaloniki 1876
Greek feminist newspaper of 1888 verifies Alexander was Greek
Macedonian Officers who fought for Greek independence in 1821 NEW
Makedonikos FC, Greek team founded in 1928 NEW
Greek Encyclopaedia “Helios” of 19th Dec. 1947 NEW
20th International Fair Trade of Thessalonike - 1955 NEW
Letters from 1836 of Baron K. Mpelios about Macedonia NEW
South Australia Premier Rann: Macedonia is as Greek as the Acropolis NEW
The Greek War of Independence in Macedonia - 1821NEW
Views of the Bulgarian Exarchate about the population of Macedonia NEW
Foreign consuls about Macedonia in 1903 NEW
Greeks, Bulgarians and the Archbishoporic of Ohrid NEW
Macedonian refugees in Skopelos around 1829 NEW
Greeks in Pelagonia area NEW
1796 - Documents speaking about Greeks of Kozani NEW
Sultan firmani in 1815 mentions the Greek population of Kozani NEW
List of Macedonians in Filike Etairia during Greek Revolution NEW
French consul in 1831: Macedonia consists of Greeks and Bulgarians NEW
Greece’s stand on the name dispute by Dora Bakoyannis NEW
Henry Kissinger considers Skopjans as Bulgarians and warns of tragedy in Balkans NEW
The real face of FYROM’s Irredentist Aspirations - Whats behind a name NEW

F.Y.R.O.M Propaganda
Linguists about the Slavic language of FYROM
Linguistic origins of F.Y.R.O.M - From Bulgarian dialect to “Macedonian” language
Collection of Linguists and Intellectuals about the language of Slavs in FYROM POPULAR
Modern Writers about the Bulgarian origin of FYROM’s slavs
Evidence of FYROM Slavs being originally Bulgarians
The Ethnic and Historical origins of FYROM Part I
The Ethnic and Historical origins of FYROM Part II
The Ethnic and Historical origins of FYROM Part III
The Ethnic and Historical origins of FYROM Part IV
The Ethnic and Historical origins of FYROM Part V
The Ethnic and Historical origins of FYROM Part VI
The Ethnic and Historical origins of FYROM Part VII
The Ethnic and Historical origins of FYROM Part VIII
FYROMs revisionist falsifications - Rejected by the Worlds academia
Ancient Period
Fake Letter from Alexander in…nationalistic site of FYROM
FYROM Falsified Claim ‘Thessalia was the northern region of ancient Greece’ NEW
FYROM Falsified Claim ‘The old racial rivalry of Greeks and Macedonians’ NEW
FYROM Falsified Claim ‘ Thessalians the first Greeks to submit to Persians ‘ NEW
FYROM Falsified Claim ‘ Alexander I, an Hellene man, Ruler of Macedonians ‘ NEW
FYROM Falsified Claim ‘ There were no Greek kingdoms in antiquity therefore Macedonians couldnt be Greek’NEW
FYROM Falsified Claim 'When was the first time the word Macedonia was defined to include lands of the nowadays Rep. of Skopje?' NEW

Medieval Period
Theophylactus of Ohrid letters verify the inhabitants of Ohrid are Bulgarians NEW
Byzantine Historian Scylitzes about the Bulgarian Tsar Samuil NEW
Fighting Fyrom Propaganda #1 - Tzar Samouel

Modern Period
1910 Census and fabrications
The so-called FYROM’s claim about “occupation” of Macedonia in 1913 exposed
De-Bulgarization and persecutions of Bulgarians in FYROM
Diplomatic Sources on Ilinden - a Bulgarian Uprising
Letters proving Ilinden was a Bulgarian Uprising
FYROM’S History Books and propaganda: Facts
Free Archbishop Jovan from prison in FYRO Macedonia
Symbols used by the slavs of FYROM - An overview
Ancient Toponymies renamed by Slavs NEW
Peter Roberts - Immigrant races in North America - 1910 NEW
“Ethnic Macedonian” band is proved to be a Serbian band NEW
Journal of Statistical Society of London 1877 - No “Macedonians” but Bulgarians NEW
Letter from FYROMs Slavs to Oliver Stone
Skopjan Propaganda #5 Alexander's army was not Greek
Skopjan propaganda # 6 ,Greeks Are a Superior Race
Skopjan propaganda # 8,Tito created the Macedonian Nation
Skopjan propaganda # 10, Greeks are Turks, Albanians, Slavs and Vlachs
Skopjan propaganda #11, Saint Cyrill and Methodios are Greek
Skopjan propaganda # 17: Ancient Macedonians were not Greeks"
Skopjan propaganda # 18_”Philip II United the Greeks" POPULAR
Skopjan propaganda # 19 4,000 years of Greek Civilization
Skopjan propaganda # 20_The Final Answer in His Lies
Modern Bulgarian Heroes…claimed by FYROM
FYROM propaganda regarding the Greek Civil War and WWII
FYROM propaganda regarding the ethnicity of ancient Macedonians
Sources about the Bulgarian rebel Gotse Delchev NEW
National Geographic and FYROM propaganda NEW
FYROM propaganda 'The use of the term Macedonia was forbidden in Greece until 1988' NEW
FYROM propaganda "The use of the term Macedonia was forbidden in Greee until 1988' Part II NEW
"Ethnic Macedonian" band is proved to be a Serbian band NEW
Dimitris Lithoxoou - His propaganda exposed NEW
Stefov Vs Carnegie Commission NEW
Foreign newspapers of 19th/20th c. about Macedonia NEW
Foreign Newspapers about Macedonia Part II NEW
New forgery from FYROM propaganda exposed - document of 1915 NEW

Propaganda Site Historyofmacedonia.org
HistoryofMacedonia.Org exposed - Part I 'Ancient Evidence'
HistoryofMacedonia.Org exposed - Part II 'Donski'
HistoryofMacedonia.Org Exposed - Part III 'Modern Sources'
HistoryofMacedonia.Org Exposed - Part IV 'Macedonians not Slavs
HistoryofMacedonia.org exposed - Part V ‘Macedonian sun’

Fyrom's lies over Slavic populations genetics Part I
Fyrom's lies over Slavic populations genetics Part II.

FYROM Human Rights
FYROM leading Anti-Bulgarian campaign
Trial opens in FYROM 2001 killings
FYR Macedonia’s leader ‘watched attack’ on Albanian civilians
FYROM: UN CESCR concerned at the situation of Roma in FYR Macedonia
Helsinki committee roasts the omburdsman and police unit “ALFA”
There are no secret prison in FYROM, only secret police houses
Strasbourg Court to Rule on FYROM Roma Torture Case for the First Time in its History
Police abuse against Albanians continue in FYROM POPULAR
Romani Youth Last Seen Alive While Being Chased by Police in Skopje
FYROM failure to address double discrimination NEW

Albanian Propaganda
Albanian propaganda - Alexander the ‘Albanian’ Part I
Albanian propaganda - Alexander the ‘Albanian’ Part II
Albanian propaganda - Alexander the ‘Albanian’ Part III